UNITED STATES: United States (US) Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday said that the US diplomats to Pakistan are being mistreated by the Government of Pakistan.
Pompeo, while presenting his testimony before the US House Foreign Affairs Committee said that the poor treatment of the Pakistani government towards officers of US State Department, embassies and councils was worth taking into account.
US State Secretary while referring to Trump Administration’s new South Asia Strategy said that the US had been clear with Pakistan that the path to reconciliation, peace and security in Afghanistan largely depends on her willingness to eliminate terrorism and safe havens of terrorists.
Pompeo added that the US had released reduced amounts of funds in 2018 to Pakistan compared to last year.
In reference to the matter of Shakil Afridi, the Pakistani doctor that had helped US trace Osama Bin Laden in 2011, Pompeo said that he had worked on it with but had failed, adding that the matter was in his heart and will be dealt with.
Earlier, US had announced a travel ban on Pakistani diplomats to which Pakistan Foreign Office fired back, levying restrictions on US diplomats to Pakistan.