In yet another shock to the already overburdened power consumers, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) on Wednesday notified a hike of Rs1.15 per unit in electricity tariff.
According to the notification issued by the power regulatory authority, NEPRA approved hike in electricity in the wake of the monthly fuel adjustment for first quarter of the current financial year. It added that electricity consumers would have to make additional payments during January to March 2024 bills. The increase in electricity tariff would increase the financial burden worth Rs22.297 billion on the power consumers.
The hike will also be applicable to all the consumer categories except lifeline ones and K-Electric users. Earlier in the day, the Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA) filed an application with National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) seeking an increase of Rs4.66 per unit.
The CPPA on behalf of power distribution companies (DISCOs) has asked NEPRA to approve an increase of Rs4.66 per unit under Fuel Charges Adjustment (FCA) of November, 2023.
The CPPA, in its application, has submitted that the total electricity generated with various fuels in February 2023 was recorded at 7.22 billion at a basket price of Rs9.44 per unit. On December 6, the electricity tariff was hiked by the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) by Rs3.07 per unit in terms of the monthly fuel adjustment, however the hike was not applied to the lifeline and K-Electric consumers.