In line with the governing laws, rules, and regulations of the Government of Pakistan and NEPRA, various changes have been made to the rates of electricity and tariff structure that will be effective from July and applicable nationwide including on consumers in KE’s service territory. The determination of costs of electricity to be recovered from consumers across Pakistan in their bills comes under jurisdiction of NEPRA and the Government of Pakistan, says a statement. These changes include the non-extension of relief for zero-rated industries as well as the relief on peak-hour electricity consumption for industrial consumers. The retailer tax with revised slabs has been introduced for commercial consumers. Non-Time of Use residential consumers will also see a revision in their applicable tariff along with a change in the methodology for their calculation.
As per SRO 1004 dated 7th July 2022, the tariff rates and slab structure for tariff of unprotected non-ToU residential consumers (i.e. consumers with sanctioned load below 5kW) has changed. “Protected” consumers, as per tariff terms proposed by GoP under its Power Subsidy Rationalization Plan and by NEPRA as those non-ToU residential consumers with monthly electricity usage of 200 units or less, consistently for the past 6 months. All other non-ToU residential consumers fall in Unprotected category.
Previously, category of unprotected consumers were provided the benefit of one previous slab in their billing (i.e. their billing was done in two slabs), which has now been removed. Consumers in the unprotected category will now only be charged on one slab in which their units fall. Accordingly, tariff rates have also been adjusted downwards to minimise impact on consumers.
Industrial consumers were previously being provided a relaxation by Government of Pakistan, allowing them to utilize electricity during peak hours at the same rates as off-peak hours. That relief was allowed until June 2022 and accordingly with no further extension. Peak rates would now be applicable on industrial consumers as well. Similarly, zero-rated (or export-oriented) industries were being provided electricity at a fixed rate of USD 9 cents/unit, which was applicable till June 2022, has now been removed. Now, these industries will be charged as per applicable tariff rates to normal industrial consumers.
In addition to the above charges, it must also be noted that routine charges under FCA will be applicable in July bills within KE’s service territory.
Per the Government of Pakistan Finance Act 2022 applicable across the country, retailer tax on unregistered retailers have been revised and effective from 1st July 2022. For consumers on commercial tariff, a minimum fixed tax of PKR 3,000 will be charged for bills between PKR 0 and PKR 30,000. Monthly bills between PKR 30,001 and PKR 50,000 will be taxed PKR 5,000, while those with monthly bills above PKR 50,0001 will be taxed PKR 10,000.