Federal Parliamentary Secretary for Health, Dr Nausheen Hamid on Wednesday appealed before the mourners and other people to strictly follow the standard operating procedures (SOPs) during Muharram procession and Majalis.
“Wearing face masks and ensuring social distancing are highly important to defeat the fourth wave of coronavirus as the government has issued fresh strict directives to follow SOP’s during Muharram,” she said while talking to a private news channel. She said that the government observed that the people had violated SOP’s during independence day celebrations which was regretful.
No doubt, she said, the government made a significance progress against the virus, but it still needs to make extra-ordinary efforts against the virus. “We may see more COVID-19 cases, if the people would not follow proper health guidelines during Muharram,” she expressed her fear.
As per National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) decision, she said that the vaccination centers would remain open to facilitate the citizens on first day of Ahsura. She, however, said that all vaccination centers would remain closed on the 10th of Muharram ul Haram. She appealed before the people to cooperate with health authorities and para-medical staff as well at vaccination centres and follow the instructions.
Replying to a query about shortage of vaccine, she said that no vaccination shortage was reported as huge stock of vaccines are available in Pakistan, equally distributed to all four provinces. Nausheen said in next few days more than 10 million phizer vaccine doses would reach Pakistan, adding, million of other fresh consignments of various vaccine doses are under pipeline which would land country soon. To another question, she said around 80 million (8 crore) adult population would be administrated vaccine till end of year 2021.